Heroes & Zeroes Update

  • Post published:February 5, 2015
  • Post category:Issues

And how’s our NM Senate doing? It has also increased its effort to stay on schedule. While it’s not as punctual as the House, it is better than we’ve seen in recent history and we greatly appreciate the improvement.

The NMBC applauds and congratulates our Representatives and Senators for allowing people from all over the state to know when bills are scheduled to be heard and participate in the legislative process!

Workers’ Comp Reform Heroes: Representative Dennis Roch and Senator Joseph Cervantes co-sponsored HB 238, which will amend and repeal sections of the Workers’ Compensation law that currently allows an employee to receive up to 90% of regular benefits from a work injury even though they were intoxicated at the time. In the past, this kind of Workers’ Comp reform never saw the light of day, but with bi-partisan support, HB 238 passed the first committee and is on its way for further consideration.

Tax Loophole Zeroes: More than 30 bills have been introduced calling for tax exemptions, credits and deductions. One thing New Mexico does not need is more holes to the Swiss cheese of our current tax code. But there is some good news on the table too…..Tax Reform Hero Senator Bill Sharer has introduced SB 346, Tax Reform, which would rewrite the entire tax code – a long overdue step to help New Mexico compete with other states on a fair and equitable basis.

Please contact the NMBC with any questions or comments at nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org or (505) 836-4223.