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Bernalillo County Sick leave meeting on Tuesday Aug 20th

The Bernalillo County Commission is scheduled to vote on the paid leave bill Tuesday August 20th at 4 p.m. 

After failing to pass previous leave ordinances in Albuquerque, the Bernalillo County Commission is taking action on mandated Paid Time Off Ordinance – AGAINST what the voters have said.

NMBC encourages everyone who can attend the meeting to do so and stand up to government micromanaging of businesses that drives jobs away The meeting begins at 4 pm at the Vincent E. Griego Chambers, One Civic Plaza NW Albuquerque, NM 87102

If you cannot attend the meeting you can still make your voice heard by signing the call to action telling your county commissioners to vote “NO” on the Bernalillo county paid leave bill.

NMBC’s position remains that government mandates, such as the paid leave ordinance, are unnecessary and a growing burden on small business owners who are trying to maintain or grow their operations. Join us in standing with voters and business owners to say “NO” to increased government meddling in business. 

Sign the call to action now!