Heroes Take a Stand – Receive Threats

Senator Clemente Sanchez (D), Takes a Stand for New Mexico: The #2 issue on the NMBC 2014 Legislative focus list (see below) is to STOP attempts to legislate issues like minimum wage or drug use through Constitutional Amendments. Such an attempt is being put forward as Senate Joint Resolution 13, with relates to a Constitutional Amendment to raise the state minimum wage annually.

Senator Clemente Sanchez is a NMBC 2014 Legislative HERO because he understands the state minimum wage is not a Constitutional issue. He recently told newmexicowatchdog.org: “It should be hard to change the constitution. I just don’t think raising the minimum wage by constitutional amendment is where it belongs. That should be done in statute.” The NMBC couldn’t agree more!

HEROES like Senator Clemente Sanchez need our support: It is unfortunate that elected officials like Senator Clemente Sanchez get bullied when they vote on behalf of what’s best for all New Mexicans. The fact is, they do get a lot of negative feedback and threats against their continued public service. That’s why it’s important that these elected officials hear from New Mexicans who appreciate them taking a stand.

Please EMAIL SENATOR CLEMENTE SANCHEZ or call (505) 986-4369 and thank him for taking a stand for what is right!

MORE NMBC HEROES in 2014? The NMBC knows there are other HEROES working in the Senate and House to stop unnecessary Constitutional Amendments. And there are HEROES willing to take a stand against the #1 NMBC 2014 Legislative Focus to STOP THE RAID on the NM Land Grant Permanent Fund (see below). The NMBC applauds those who care enough about the future of our children to demand accountability for the billions of dollars already wasted out of the permanent fund and refuse to deplete the fund more.

READY FOR A GOOD BASH (Business and Social Hour)? Save the date, March 6, 2014, for the Post-Session NMBC BASH. The event will be at the Albuquerque Country Club from 4:30 – 6:30 PM. Sponsorship opportunities available (your company name/logo could be here), contact the NMBC for details at nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org.

NMBC 2014 Legislative Focus Issues


1) Any attempt to further raid any permanent fund for any reason;
2) Any attempt to legislate through Constitutional Amendments on anything that is not a Constitutional issue. This includes, but is not limited to, minimum wage, drug use, etc.
3) Picking winners and losers through tax concessions.
4) Either the House or the Senate bypassing the committee process and pulling legislation to the floor without due process.


1) Creating an economically viable environment for all businesses to thrive which includes: a) Reasonable tax structure and regulation; b) reduced paperwork and bureaucracy; and c) the necessary infrastructure for operations.
2) Correcting the licensing issue for undocumented persons;
3) Improving our educational system to enrich our future work force.

A JOBS CREATED or KILLED Report Card that tracks the above focus issues will be published statewide at the end of the session.

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