The Senate CORPORATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (SCORC) will meet TODAY, 2-7-14, at 2:00 pm on SB 9.

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) supports SB 9 and encourages New Mexicans to contact all members of the Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee and ask them to VOTE YES on SB 9.


DRUNK OR DRUGGED AT WORK – STILL GET WORKERS COMP? During the 2013 legislative session some members of the House Labor and Human Resources Committee (HLC) killed a bill that would have allowed judges to limit workers comp payouts for drunken workers. The need for such legislation became apparent when a Las Cruces solid waste employee was awarded over $100,000 after falling off a garbage truck even though he was drunk at the time. Read the 2013 article: “Drunken Workers Still Entitled to Most Injury Benefits Under Decision by NM House Democrats,” HERE.

For the third year, Rep Dennis Roch is trying again with HB 113, WORKERS’ COMP PAYMENT FOR INTENT OR DRUG USE. HB 113 is designed to protect workers and employers by reducing Workers Comp benefits for those who purposely use illegal substances. Last year unions opposed Rep Roch’s bill because they were not happy with a political appointment. That issue resolved, the unions and trial attorneys opposed HB 113 this year. Are they objecting to holding individuals personally responsible for work related injuries?

The sad thing is, the unions had the votes yesterday in Rep Ken Martinez, Speaker, Rick Miera, Sheryl Williams-Stapleton, and Miguel Garcia who were able to table this bill again.

Reps Candy Spence Ezzell, Paul Pacheco, David Gallegos and Monica Youngblood made a heroic effort to keep HB 113 alive but the tie vote once again stopped the effort.

HB 290 WORKERS’ COMP BENEFITS & INTOXICATION, sponsored by Rep Zachary Cook was also discussed in the HLC yesterday. Speaker Martinez said he will support the bill if he and Rep Roch can work with the NM Workers Compensation Administration (WCA) on issues of concern. Speaker Martinez made a few technical suggestions and sent Rep Cook away (for now) with a tabled vote – 4 to 4 on party lines.

Tickets are on sale for the BASH (Business and Social Hour): Join us on March 6, 2014, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Albuquerque Country Club. The keynote speaker for this BASH is Lt. Gov John Sanchez. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door.