• Post published:March 28, 2013
  • Post category:Events

It takes a special kind of person to serve in the New Mexico state legislature and continually stand up to the pressures of ‘going along to get along’. In our state, that unfortunately means fighting against the movement towards socialism or the desire to end our individual rights for the “perceived” good of the masses. Those who push for socialism in our state and country have obviously not studied the concept well because when you look around the world, you will not find a single country that has been successful under a socialist form of government. Are these people so naïve as to think that because we live in the United States, we can do it better?

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) believes in the democracy that created our great country – one that allows individuals to succeed on their own merit and hard work; not one that provides a government handout to those who choose not work. During the legislative session, we saw true heroes rise up and stand against the infringement of our individual rights; they stood against laws that would hinder a company’s ability to operate successfully and create jobs for those who want them.

Here are some 2013 Legislative HERO’s (with more to follow in the days and weeks ahead): Rep Candy Spence Ezzell has served for many years on the House Labor Committee, a kill committee for good business legislation. When other business-friendly legislators will do anything to get off this committee due to the inherent frustrations, Rep Ezzell volunteers to serve as the minority leader. She plans to be there until the day our pro-business movement takes over House leadership and she can chair the committee and help business in our state. That day can’t come soon enough!

Rep Ezzell also serves on the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee, another committee that is generally harmful to business – most especially against the oil and gas industry. Rep Ezzell read a two page statement to the committee chair and members regarding her great concern over some who joked when they had serious legislation in front of them that would affect many peoples’ lives and livelihood. Honored as an NMBC 2012 Hero, this is a woman we continue to applaud.

2013 Freshman Heroes: We were very impressed by some of our freshmen legislators – and scared by others! New Mexico was lucky to see some of these elected officials come in and hit the ground running like seasoned pros. The NMBC will continue to highlight the outstanding efforts or some of our legislators.

Today we are saluting:
Rep Monica Youngblood, who was eloquently outspoken, even when fighting laryngitis;
Rep Kelly Fajardo, who had to put embarrassment aside and do some fancy dance on the House floor to get her Amber Alert bill passed (ah the sacrifice of some for the sake of good legislation and a safer New Mexico!)
Senator Pat Woods, who brought calm, confident leadership to everything he did.

Want to meet and talk with some of the NMBC HEROES? Attend the next BASH: THE NMBC Post-Session BASH (Business and Social Hour) Is April 11: Don’t miss out on the fun and inside scoop on how our elected officials performed during the 2013 legislative session, April 11, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, at the Albuquerque Country Club, 601 Laguna Blvd SW. Light appetizers provided; cash bar available.

These great elected officials will be attending the BASH.
You should join them:
Senator Mark Moores
Senator George Munoz
Senator Lisa Torraco
Representative Kelly Fajardo
Representative Jimmie Hall
Representative Yvette Herrell
Representative Sandra Jeff
Representative James Smith
Representative Monica Younglood
Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson

Aragon Law Firm, PC – Robert Aragon
NM American Fire and Sprinkler Association – David Wilson
Americans for Prosperity – Joe Montes

Please join us as we work to make New Mexico a properous place for businesses and individuals!