The New Mexico state Forest Industries Association has filed a formal “declaration of harm” with the Forest Service in response to the continued ban on the harvesting of forest products. The ban has already affected at least 400 jobs and will be responsible for an estimated $9.8 million in lost revenue. The majority of that lost revenue will impact mostly rural areas and communities if the ban remains in place according to Brent Racher of Corona NM, president of the Forest Industries Association. Meanwhile in Arizona, WildEarth Guardians Executive Director John Horning remains steadfast in his view that “The purpose of this [suit] was to protect the spotted owl,” adding that “if the Forest Service really cared about following court orders, it would have followed a string of previous orders over 20 years on protection of the spotted owl.” This misguided opinion seems to bestow punishment upon local communities, business, and families for the missteps of the Forest Service. Read more HERE.