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2023 Heroes Banquet Community Nomination Form

We know that there are many leaders in our state who work tirelessly to make it a better place for all of us. At this year’s Heroes Banquet, we want to honor those people who improve the lives of those in their community and helps make our state a better place to live for many. For Veteran Nomination information, you can click HERE.

Who should be nominated for a Community Award? Any person who volunteers or goes beyond their role or job description to put the needs of the state, their community, and others ahead of their own personal or political agenda.

Here are the available categories for 2023:

1) First Responders: Police, fire fighters, paramedics, etc.

2) Business Leaders: Business owners, partners, CEO’s, business presidents, managers, etc.

3) Community Leaders: Members of the community who contribute their time and energy to improving the quality of life for everyone in their neighborhood, city or state.

4) Youth Leaders: Those who are under 40 and dedicated to improving New Mexico, similar to the community leaders’ description above.

Use the button below to tell us who you think should win the community award. Nominations are limited to 250 words.