To help voters understand candidate positions and improve transparency, NMBC held virtual “Job Interviews” with a few candidates running for the NM House and Senate. These interviews were hosted for contested races only and only a few responded to our invitation.

Candidates had a few rules to follow: the questions weren’t given in advance, they could only talk about their own campaign (not criticize their opponents), and they had to keep their answers within a set time limit.

NM House Candidate Interviews:

Unsure of which district you live in? Find your House district HERE.

District 17:

District 27:

District 29:

District 30:

District 31:

District 53:

District 57:

NM Senate Candidate Interviews:

What legislative district you are in? Find your Senate district HERE.

District 10:

District 12:

District 18:

District 21:

Have questions or comments? Email nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org or call (505) 836-4223.