NMBC will communicate with legislators, encourage them to support good legislation, and oppose bills that would negatively impact our state.
We will be guided to take action based on our Legislative Policy Positions listed below:
Public Safety: New Mexico needs to end ‘catch and release’ policies for repeat offenders, stop providing sanctuary to those living here illegally who commit crimes, reinstate liability protections for police, and enforce the laws already on the books. Increase penalties for 2nd & 3rd time offenders with mandatory minimum jail time.
Tax Code: Replace the Gross Receipts Tax with a simple sales tax, limit special interest tax breaks while making all wage and retirement income (including social security) tax-free.
Employment Laws: Stop government-mandated wages and benefits like Paid Family and Medical Leave, which drive up costs, cause businesses to close, limit work hours, and reduce job opportunities.
Education & Workforce Development: Revamp education using successful models from other states. Remove union influence that protects the status quo and hold administrators accountable for student outcomes. Focus on English, math, and reading proficiency with available vocational/job skills classes.
State Budget: New Mexico’s budget should be based on steady, recurring expenses, not temporary surplus or one-time federal funds. Infrastructure funding should be distributed fairly based on each county’s economic activity and tax contributions. School funding should prioritize student outcomes over administration. Stop adding debt and retire debt already accrued.
Economic Incentives: Focus economic incentives on creating and keeping jobs in New Mexico, with requirements to use local businesses instead of out-of-state companies. Tax-funded incentives should include strict accountability, defined job metrics, and repayment penalties if requirements are not met.
Energy: Policy should balance environmental stewardship with realistic and affordable energy needs. Support of fossil fuel energy produced in New Mexico that funds the state budget, schools, jobs and more must be maintained. Eliminate electric vehicle mandates, allowing consumers freedom of choice and free-market conditions.
Regulatory Burdens: Reduce unnecessary regulations that hold back New Mexico’s growth. Eliminate barriers that hurt small businesses and benefit conglomerates. Fix malpractice insurance premiums/liability limits and other economic disincentives impacting physicians and medical providers.
State Control: Legislators should support a Convention of States that is limited to setting federal term limits, requiring a balanced budget, and reducing federal control over state issues.