HB 241 Compact With America Rep Yvette Harrell (505) 986-4248 Legislation to propose and ratify a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been gaining steam in multiple states and needs to be supported by New Mexico. This bill is scheduled for House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC) on February 12th, 2013. Please contact committee members HERE and urge passage.
HJR 6 Increase Minimum Wage Annually Rep Miguel Garcia (505) 986-4327 This bill will cause the minimum wage to go up annually based on the rate of inflation. It specifically prohibits any downward adjustment as a result of a decrease in the cost of living. If it passes the legislature, it bypasses the Governor and goes on the next ballot. It is dangerous legislation that will drive businesses out of New Mexico, increase the unemployment rate and further increase the poverty level in our state.
Please contact House Voters and Election committee members HERE and voice your opposition.
Carla Sonntag, NMBC President, enjoyed the opportunity to discuss the minimum wage with the listeners of the Terry Q Sayre, 770 KKOB radio show on Saturday, February 9.
SB 334 Unemployment Fund Contributions & Formula Senator Ingle (505) 986-4702 The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) served as a Governor-appointee to the Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council for a full year. SB 334 is one of the recommendations made to help save and improve the fund. It will be heard in Senate Corporations and Transportation.
Join the New Mexico Business Coalition. Our work is more meaningful with you by our side.