Red-Tape Cuts Deep Across ABQ & all NM

  • Post published:October 27, 2015
  • Post category:Issues

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This is a larger problem than the Green Jeans Farmery. It is symptomatic of ongoing issues that have been brought to the attention of NMBC by other would be developers and job providers. City of Albuquerque economic development personnel have said they have interest and support from Mayor Berry to work diligently and smooth out obstacles to new/expanding businesses like those experienced by Mr. Solomon. We’ll see.

The NMBC has questioned city officials about the red tape that’s cutting deep into economic growth, which manifested recently with the Green Jeans debacle. We did get a response. NMBC President, Carla Sonntag, has been invited to be part of discussions going forward to improve permitting, inspections and regulations. You can count on hearing more about efforts to address this issue from NMBC.

Will you support NMBC’s work to cut through governmental red tape? Your membership dues and contributions keep us in the fight. Support our work HERE.

City Rhetoric Encourages Biz Development – What Does it Accomplish? Just a few miles away from Green Jeans Farmery, Innovate ABQ hosted an economic development summit, touting Albuquerque’s broad community involvement and economic innovation. While rhetoric, business accelerator projects and grouping business start-up/expansion resources into one building sounds like a great idea, NMBC is looking at what actually comes out of these projects. Encouraging entrepreneurial innovation is one thing but meanwhile businesses all around the Innovate ABQ building (and beyond) are closing their doors. Read more here.

Is New Mexico Really a Business Friendly Environment? A recent Forbes list ranked New Mexico 47th on its “Best States To Do Business” list. This comes as no surprise, when you look at red tape and obstacles faced by businesses expansion projects like the Green Jeans Farmery. Forbes magazine said, “New Mexico has the worst employment growth in the U.S. over the past five years.” Read more here.

It’s unfortunate there seems to be no end to anti-business, job killing red-tape imposed by some within local and state governments. That is why NMBC continues our work of holding public officials and their appointees accountable. Onerous, overbearing government regulations affect business owners who are trying to expand job opportunities at every stage of economic development – from those just opening their first store to those struggling to keep a fifty-year-old, family run, multi-generational businesses alive. While there is much to be done – you can join our efforts without adding to your workload and help us make a real difference!

NMBC depends on the support of New Mexicans like YOU! Join us today to help make the State of New Mexico truly business friendly!