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Border business is booming, but there’s still room to grow

  • Post published:March 4, 2020
  • Post category:News

New Mexico’s Santa Teresa Port of Entry marked a record year in spite of global trade uncertainty and a slow moving congressional effort to approve the USMCA trade deal. The port of entry saw a 17.4 percent growth in overall trade, with more than $30 billion in imports and exports and more growth on the way, according to figures recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Senator Martin Heinrich met with port officials last week and highlighted the opportunities Santa Teresa port has to offer New Mexico. “It’s not constrained, physically, the way that others are along the border today. I think we need to continue to make the case that investments here will more than pay for themselves — in terms of overall economic activity, not just for southern New Mexico but for the entire nation.” Read more HERE.