T. Greg Merrion hosted the BASH at Merrion Oil and Gas, providing great food and drink for the crowd in an absolutely beautiful outdoor setting. Other sponsors who made this possible include: Conoco Phillips, Independent Community Bankers Association, Allen and Gayla McCulloch, Americans For Prosperity, Bayless Producer, LLC, Bill Hagler, Farmington Chamber of Commerce, The Howle Family, M & R Trucking, Print Mart, DJ Simmons

We were happy to see such great support from our legislative leaders: Senator Steven Neville, Senator Bill Sharer, Rep Paul Bandy, Rep Chischilliage, Rep James Strickler, Rep Tom Taylor, as well as, Farmington City Councilor Gayla McCulloch, San Juan County Commissioner Jack Fortner, San Juan County Commissioner Keith Johns, San Juan County Commissioner Margaret McDaniel, San Juan County Commissioner GloJean Todacheene, San Juan County Assessor Clyde Ward.

Senator Bill Sharer led us in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Rep Tom Taylor provided good insight into New Mexico and it’s high proportion of government dependents compared to revenue providers (tax payers). He also expressed great support for the diligent work of the NMBC.

To our friends and newest members in Farmington, the NMBC thanks you for spending the evening with us! We promise to be ever vigilant in looking out for your best interests – as we do for all the people throughout New Mexico.

If you have not yet joined this great association, we encourage you to sign up today! Your membership supports our continued work on your behalf. CLICK HERE to get more information.