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ABQ journal editorial joins call for safe approach to opening NM for business

  • Post published:April 27, 2020
  • Post category:News

In a recent article from the Albuquerque Journal editorial board, the Governor’s nonsensical  approach to our statewide shutdown was once again called into question. The editorial cites the many counties in NM that have few or no Covid-19 cases at all, yet are still forced to abide by the shutdown rules. NMBC has pointed out, many times now, how the shutdown is doing substantial damage to the small business and families across the state, and we’re glad to see the sentiment to sensibly reopen is gaining traction

Mayors and community leaders from across the state have joined in the call to get NM back to work and begin supporting the businesses that keep our families and economy afloat and our communities healthy. NMBC  hopes the Governor will agree and begin allowing all business to operate with the freedoms that have been allowed to big box stores. New Mexico’s families deserve a safe, sensible approach to getting back to work. Read the full editorial HERE.


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