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Accountability and sound financial management should be a part of the conversation.

  • Post published:July 19, 2019
  • Post category:News

Governor Lujan-Grisham aims to overhaul state disability program but leaves unanswered what it will cost, where the money will come from and how successful outcomes will be achieved. The Developmental Disabilities Waiver program, a state-run platform designed to help New Mexicans with developmental disabilities, has a back log of nearly 5,000 people waiting an average of 13 years for services and assistance. No estimated cost has been presented by the state for plans to rectify service deficiencies in the program, but legislative analysts say it could cost $131 million a year to provide the extra services to 4,000 people.

A 13 year wait list for help may be unacceptable, but so is throwing money at problems without a plan for success, oversight and follow through. To avoid a debacle like the BeWellNM money pit, we need to understand the true costs and have strong accountability measures in place to insure our tax dollars are responsibly used to address those in need on the wait list. Read more HERE.