Air Quality, Energy & More

As John Chavez, NAIOP, recognized, the business community (and many others) stepped up and sent in a huge number of letters in opposition to the Southwest Organizing Projects (SOP) Petition. These made a significant impression on the Board and helped defeat the measure.

New Energy Economy (NEE) Petition to Deny PNM’s Long-term plan at San Juan Generating Station: Also on Wednesday, 3/12/14, the Santa Fe City Council took action on this issue. They voted to intervene in the Public Regulation Case to consider PNM’s long-term plan for San Juan Generating Station to comply with federal haze requirements. The plan has been in process for several years and would exceed federal requirements for visibility, but NEE’s petition calls for the entire plant to be shut down and power production replaced by renewable energy.

Many letters were written in opposition to this petition. The vote on the petition has been delayed until next month.

The NMBC thanks you for getting involved and making a difference. Because you wrote letters, we won one issue and delayed another. Once again we see that a strong unified voice of reason can change outcomes!

Bernalillo County Illegal Tax Update: As you may recall, Bernalillo County Commissioners Hart Stebbins, De La Cruz and O’Malley recently voted on a tax increase for utility companies that will raise utility bills for some Bernalillo County residents. The irony of the Ordinance they approved, called the “Taxpayer Protection Act”, is that is illegal and these commissioners knew that when they voted to approve it. The NMBC went to multiple hearings and had an Op-Ed on this issue published. We wanted to make sure they understood that their actions would not only raise utility rates but would also waste taxpayer dollars when the utility companies sued the country. Here is an update in today’s Albuquerque Journal: THREE UTILITIES SUE COUNTY.

NMBC Business Highlight: The New Mexico Stockman magazine The New Mexico Stockman magazine is celebrating its’ 80th year as the “voice of agriculture in the Southwest” and the 100 year old New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association. Based in Albuquerque, the monthly publication reaches more than 40 states and dog-eared copies can be found in feed stores and coffee shops in rural communities across the West. Not only does the Stockman contain NMCGA news and items of interest to the ranching and agricultural community, but it covers the issues that are impacting water, private property rights, wildlife and endangered species and much more that has urban interest as well. Several focus issues throughout the year put the spotlight on special interests like wildlife in January, dairy in April, sheep in June, a west-wide agriculture directory in July as well as horses and fairs across New Mexico in August and September.

The publication has had only a few owners in its’ history. It was purchased by Caren Cowan in 2009 and is housed at the offices of the NMCGA on Rio Grande. Advertising space and subscriptions are available by call 505.243.9515 ext 21, via email at or on the web at Issues of the Stockman and its’ sister publication the Livestock Market Digest, a monthly newspaper also published by Cowan.

Why Does the NMBC Care About Business? The work and success of the NMBC equates to a brighter future for all New Mexicans and local businesses. That gives all New Mexicans the opportunity for a better economy through private sector job growth. Over the next months, the NMBC will profile some of the great businesses that provide the jobs, products and services that improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans.