The State Budget
NMBC's Position: New Mexico’s budget should be based on steady, recurring expenses, not temporary surplus or one-time federal funds. Infrastructure funding should be distributed fairly based on each county’s economic…
NMBC's Position: New Mexico’s budget should be based on steady, recurring expenses, not temporary surplus or one-time federal funds. Infrastructure funding should be distributed fairly based on each county’s economic…
Governmental Balance and Power to the People: Our state government must correct the imbalances in power between branches. State elected officials should assure that there is a reasonable balance of…
NMBC's Position: Focus economic incentives on creating and keeping jobs in New Mexico, benefiting local businesses instead of out-of-state companies. Tax funded incentives should include strict accountability with defined job…
NMBC's Position: Revamp education using successful models from other states that hold administrators accountable for student outcomes. Focus on English, math, and reading proficiency with available vocational/job skills classes.Below is…
NMBC's Position: Stop gov't-mandated wages and benefits which drive up costs, cause businesses to close, limit work hours and reduce job opportunities.Below is a list of bills we're watching that…
NMBC's Position: Legislators should support a Convention of States to set federal term limits, require a balanced budget, and reduce federal control over state issues.Below is a list of bills…
NMBC's Position: Reduce unnecessary regulations that hold back New Mexico’s growth.Below is a list of bills we're watching that fit this category. Bills will automatically fill in as time goes…
NMBC's Position: Policy should balance environmental stewardship with realistic and affordable energy needs. Support of fossil fuel energy produced in New Mexico that funds the state budget, schools, jobs and…
NMBC's Position: New Mexico needs to end ‘catch and release’ policies for repeat offenders, stop providing sanctuary to those living here illegally who commit crimes, reinstate liability protections for police…
NMBC's Position: Replace the Gross Receipts Tax with a simple sales tax, limit special interest tax breaks while making military/federal/state retirement income (including social security) tax-free.Below is a list of…