BASH Reminder

  • Post published:October 13, 2014
  • Post category:Events

Don’t miss this informative event where we interview candidates on behalf of the “Boss” (the New Mexican voter). Find out where the applicants stand on important issues that impact our state like same-day voter registration, prosecution of political corruption and integrity of state taxpayer funds.

Join us as we interview: Attorney General Candidates Hector Balderas and Susan Riedel; Secretary of State Candidates Dianna J. Duran and Maggie Toulouse Oliver; State Auditor Candidates Robert Aragon and Tim Keller; State Treasurer Candidate Tim Eichenberg.

Space is limited – Please RSVP Today!

Thank you to our BASH sponsors: Silver Level Sponsor: Concho Bronze Level Sponsors: New Mexico American Fire and Sprinkler Association New Mexico Restaurant Association

Please contact the NMBC for more information at or (505) 836-4223.