BASH Today & Superintendent Candidates for APS

  • Post published:April 9, 2015
  • Post category:Issues

Confirmed attending the BASH are the following elected/appointed officials: Senators Ted Barela, Mark Moores and Mary Kay Papen, Representatives Jim Dines, Jimmie Hall, Dona Irwin, Larry Larranga, Rick Little, Bill Rehm and Dennis Roch, State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn, Bernalillo County Commissioners Wayne Johnson and Lonnie Talbert, Sandoval County Commissioner Glenn Walters, Sandoval County Probate Judge Lawrence McClain, Village of Tijeras Councilors David Wilson and Maxine Wilson, State Fair Commissioner Larry Kennedy, APS Board Member Peggy Muller-Aragon, Former State Representative Robert Aragon, Former State Representative and Albuquerque City Councilor Janice Arnold-Jones.

Thank You to Our BASH Sponsor: New Mexico American Fire and Sprinkler Association

APS Superintendent Candidates: It’s important to voice your opinion for the future education of our children. When you consider the candidates, you know this is a critical decision.

Learn more and ask questions at the candidate forum.