Hard working New Mexicans cannot afford reduced hours or lost employment opportunities, especially right now in light of the extended pandemic lockdown. The mandate proposed in a HB 20 Healthy Workplaces Act, would apply to ALL businesses, with even one employee, and requires 64 hours of paid sick leave. This is in addition to current pandemic orders requiring 80 hours of paid time off and is in addition to anything the employer is already doing for the employee.
Blanket mandates like those proposed in HB 20 Healthy Workplaces Act, are unnecessary and infringe on individual circumstances. Wages and benefits should be negotiated between the employer and employee with respect to the unique situations and constraints for every business.
These mandates end up hurting, not helping, New Mexico families. Government attempts to micromanage employee/employer relationships lead to serious problems and reduce the opportunities for growth and employment for businesses and employees alike
Send a note TODAY urging the Senators who will be voting on HB 20 soon to vote NO on HB 20.
NMBC has reached out to every legislator hearing this bill to urge them to vote against mandates that will harm businesses and cost New Mexican jobs. You can read Carla’s letter to legislators below.
Government Mandates hurt, not help New Mexicans trying to provide for their families!