More information on the Unemployment Insurance fund issue
Last week NMBC told you about our work to protect businesses from unlawful UI Tax increases and the resignation of NM Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWFS) Secretary Bill McCamley. NMBC President Carla Sonntag has been very busy since then working with the NM State Auditor’s Office, the Legislative Finance Committee staff, and responding to media inquiries on this issue. Numerous businesses have also contacted our office requesting help to correct unlawful UI Tax increases.
More good news: Thanks to NMBC’s continued work on this issue, the protest/appeal process for UI tax increases that took effect 1-1-21 has been extended until May 30, 2021. We understand that NMDWFS is sending notice to businesses that UI Tax rates are ‘under review’ and may be lowered on a case-by-case basis. If you need help with this appeal, please contact us immediately
There is still much work to be done, but one thing is clear: The return on investment (ROI) that NMBC members/supporters make in our work is paying huge dividends!