CNM, Women of Influence, Heroes & Zeros Update

  • Post published:February 1, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Congratulations, Carla! NMBC President and Founder, Carla Sonntag, has been named as a 2016 Woman of Influence honoree! She was selected from a pool of over 100 nominees to be one of this year’s distinguished women. Carla and other influential women from around the state will be honored at a dinner in March. Read more about the Women of Influence here.

Heroes and Zeros Update: There are many good bills that will improve public safety and other state issues that have been introduced. Likewise there are many good people stepping up to make a difference. The House started work long before the session began and is already conducting business on the weekends. NMBC applauds the dedication of these representatives!

Unfortunately there is plenty of bad legislation being introduced as well. Several legislators, who seem not to care about the education of future generations of New Mexico children, have introduced bills to raid the Land Grant Permanent Fund. For more information on the Land Grant Permanent Fund and why it should be protected, please review this op ed published in papers around the state.

HERO: HB 200, Public Works Prevailing Wage & Projects, Rep Espinoza

Removes projects for public roads and educational institutions from the Public Works Minimum Wage Act. This would increase competition and lower costs. It will cap prevailing wages and fringe benefits which have gotten out of control and is necessary. Most importantly, it will eliminate using Union collective bargaining agreements to determine minimum wage on public works projects. This should never have been made a part of the law as it is grossly discriminatory in cutting 98 percent of the construction industry out of the wage-setting process.

NMBC also recognizes Hero Rep Powdrell-Culbert, Chair of House Business and Employment Committee for honoring the time of constituents who had been waiting for two hours to testify on the above bill. She had the committee members excused from the short floor session in order to continue the hearing.

Please contact the NMBC with any questions or comments at

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