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Decision 2016, Bad Ordinances, Good Energy, NM Heroes & More

  • Post published:September 6, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

We encourage others who believe that job providers, not government mandates, should determine leave policies to join us. Sign up to speak at the meeting HERE.

Only 61 Days Until Decision 2016, General Election Day: The importance of all elections cannot be overstated and the general election on November 8 is no exception. NMBC encourages all New Mexicans to get educated about the candidates, make sure you are registered, and then, use your vote! The last day to register and be eligible to vote in the general election is October 11. NMBC makes it easy to register to vote and receive updates about upcoming elections HERE.

Plan Now to Attend the 2016 NMBC Heroes Banquet: The Annual NMBC Heroes Banquet will be on November 17, from 6pm – 8pm, at the Albuquerque Marriott, 2101 Louisiana, NE. This uplifting banquet will honor Heroes in our state who devote their time, energy and talents to protect our families, expand free enterprise and improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans.

Deadline to Nominate an NMBC Hero is September 16. If you know an Elected Official, Appointed Official, Business Leader, Community Leader, or Young leader who deserves to be recognized as an NMBC Hero, download the nomination form here and email it to NMBC at no later than 9-16-16.

NMBC Supports NM Oil and Gas Industry and participated in a rally in SE New Mexico: Along with others from all over the state, NMBC was in Roswell last week to push back against the ‘keep it in the ground’ agenda and support the New Mexico Oil and Gas industry. Read more from the Carlsbad Current-Argus HERE.

Support for Reliable and Affordable Nuclear Energy in New Mexico Grows: NMBC is pleased that lots of New Mexicans, including other industry and business groups have responded to our call to support PNM’s continued use of power produced at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. The petition going to the NM PRC is HERE, and an ad that ran in the Albuquerque Journal is HERE.

Don’t Miss the First Annual New Mexico Young Professionals Conference: Join young professionals from all over the state this Thursday and Friday in Farmington for an opportunity to connect, build relationships and exchange ideas around leading topics. More information from our friends at the Farmington Chamber of Commerce HERE.

Contact the NMBC with questions or comments at, (505) 836-4223, or visit our website at for more information.