Decision 2016 & Las Cruces City Planning

  • Post published:March 14, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Join the NMBC and Franklin Graham at noon this Wednesday, March 16, at the State Capitol, West Concourse for a rally organized to pray for New Mexico and the 2016 Election. In these precarious times, Graham is going around the nation, praying for the upcoming election and encouraging Christians to get involved in the process of electing public officials who stand for the values our country was founded on.

NMBC will be at the Capitol and we hope to see you there too! More information can be found here:

Attention Las Cruces: The City of Las Cruces is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan. The plan guides the future development of Las Cruces over the next 25-30 years and will impact opportunities for jobs and economic growth. Read the “Plan 4 Las Cruces” here.

There will be free “Neighborhood Workshops” detailing the plan from Tuesday, March 29 until Saturday, April 2. Find a meeting near you here.

Why Should You Go? It’s important for pro-business voters to be engaged in the process of community changes and these meetings provide an opportunity for citizens to be involved and learn where the city is headed. The comprehensive plan covers a wide array of topics including: land use, community facilities like museums, parks, police/fire facilities, urban design, utilities, economic development, housing, transportation, and environmental topics like water conservation and sustainability. These topics have an impact on taxes, access/use of private and public lands, availability of jobs and the overall health of the Las Cruces economy.

Get Involved: We encourage Las Crucesans to get involved in the direction City Planners want to go by attending these meetings and learning about the plan. You can also contact your city councilors and the Mayor to express the need for updating the Las Cruces Comprehensive Plan in ways that avoid further restrictions on public/private land use, unnecessary government expansion and support economic prosperity through growth of the private sector.

Become a member of this great organization – contact us for more information at or join online today!