Early voting is underway until Saturday, November 2, and Election Day is on Tuesday, November 5. If you are unable to vote today or tomorrow, Tuesday will be your last chance! Voting is a powerful way to make your voice heard and influence the future of our state. With nearly 1/2 of our population dependent on Medicaid and other tax funded programs, New Mexico is at a crossroads. Now is the time to stand up for the principles that will strengthen communities and safeguard individual freedoms. Get your sample ballot and see voting locations HERE.
Here’s why your vote matters:
Protect Personal Freedoms: Government growth and regulatory overreach is threatening the freedoms that every individual deserves. New Mexico needs leaders who will work to reduce crime, stop overspending that causes inflation, defend individual liberties, and limit programs that grow government dependence. Single party domination does not work well and the many ‘worst in the nation’ rankings prove it. Balance is needed in the New Mexico legislature and in Congress. Elections are an opportunity for change.
Provide Safe Communities: As a border state, New Mexico faces unique challenges when it comes to ‘open border’ policies. Strong border security, enforcement of immigration laws and expanding legal immigrant worker programs are essential for the safety and prosperity of the state. Voting is your opportunity to remove those who have done nothing to address these issues and support candidates who prioritize these issues.
Fight Inflation and End Reckless Spending: New Mexico families, like many across the country, are feeling the pressure of rising costs. Inflation is impacting everyday necessities to include food, gasoline, rent/mortgages and much more . This election is your chance to support leaders who will fight inflation, cut reckless government spending, and focus on policies that promote fiscal responsibility.
Defend Traditional Values: Elected officials in New Mexico called ‘Progressives’ have passed laws (and want more) that put the values of parental rights, hard work and personal responsibility under attack. Your vote can help elect leaders who are committed to preserving the principles that strengthen New Mexico’s communities.

Find Voting Information HERE.
When Can You Vote? In-person early voting will be held from 10am-7pm and on Tuesday, November 5, from 7am to 7pm.
Get your sample ballot and see voting locations HERE.
Your vote matters – some elections in NM are won/lost by a single vote! Make sure you take time to make your voice heard at the ballot box and help shape the future of New Mexico.