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Employee Free Choice for NM

  • Post published:January 11, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Employee Free Choice: Forced Dues = Forced Work!

All workers should be given free choice regarding union membership and dues. Legislation that would allow this freedom is likely to come up during the 2016 Legislative Session. NMBC has supported Employee Free Choice or Right to Work (RTW) in NM since being founded in 2009. However, NMBC does not support RTW laws that exempt or ‘carve out’ certain groups of employees. We know from lessons learned from the NM Swiss cheese Tax Code (over 300 exemptions and carve outs) that RTW needs to be passed without exceptions and loopholes. In addition, employee free choice is a standalone, civil rights issue and should not to be used by either party as a ‘bargaining tool’ in the law-making process.

Currently 25 states are Right to Work (RTW) states. Indiana actually logged an increase in union membership after passing RTW.

Benefits to a business in an Employee Free Choice State:
– Free to manage one’s company without outside interference;
– Increased flexibility to establish wages and compensation levels;
– Increased opportunity to compete for quality employees;
– Increased opportunity to compete for business;
– No assets devoted to mandatory disciplinary procedures.

Benefits to an Employee in an Employee Free Choice State:
– Free to decide how to spend their money without mandated union dues;
– Free to decide representation, rather than having automatic union representation;
– Greater employment opportunity;
– Overall higher standard of living;
– Employment protections are governed by state law, not by union decisions;
– Preserves employee choice.

Language in the proposed New Mexico Right-to-Work legislation does nothing to eliminate worker protections. It simply gives workers the right to have a job in NM without being forced to join or pay dues to a union.

New Mexico needs to join other states that have adopted Right-to-Work legislation. Doing so would open the door for more large businesses to consider our state as an option. It would bring greater employment freedom and a choice to New Mexican workers.

2016 Legislative Session Updates: There will be lots of action on good and bad legislation during the 30 day session that begins January 19. NMBC will be there daily, working to support bills that move government out of the way so businesses can create jobs. We’ll also work fight against all anti-business legislation that grows government at the expense of NM businesses. NMBC will have up-to-the-minute updates on issues that impact you during the Legislative Session. If you aren’t already following us on Twitter and Facebook, do so today!

Not a member of the NMBC? More information on membership benefits and how to join can be found here.

It’s our mission and honor to be a pro-business advocate for you each and every day!


Carla J. Sonntag,President and Founder

New Mexico Business Coalition

P.S. Please contact the NMBC with questions or comments at or (505) 836-4223.