Good Work at NM Legislature

Rep Mimi Stewart and Gail Chasey for holding firm on Public Regulation Commission qualifications. The voters overwhelming voted to increase qualifications for this $90,000/year elected position. Some legislators would still prefer the position qualifications remain the same: to be at 18 years old; lived in district for at least one year; and not be a convicted felon. The voters have spoken and we appreciate these legislators standing with others to do what’s right for New Mexicans.

Rep Roger Madelena and Bobby Gonzales for speaking against HB 286 Oil and Gas Financial Assurance (Rep Chasey) in the House Energy committee. This legislation is attempting to fix something that isn’t broken but would cost the state dearly in jobs and revenue by over regulating an industry that is New Mexico’s biggest creator of both.

SB 368 Reform Tax Code (Senator Bill Sharer) New Mexico is long past due on rewriting the tax code. Now is the time!

SB 368 is a hard reboot of the New Mexico Tax System that will eliminate Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Compensating Tax and other excise taxes. It will eliminate credits, deductions and exemptions and will replace revenue with a comprehensive standard consumption tax under the Gross Receipts Tax system:
2% State
1 % local
It’s a huge bill with lots of changes that will provide for necessary revenue without hurting anyone. Please call Senators on the Senate Conservation Committee and urge support TODAY!

Albuquerque Youth Economics Conference Reminder: Join us Saturday, March 2nd for the Albuquerque Youth Economics Conference at the UNM Continuing Education Building from 9 AM until 1 PM. Lunch is free and the NMBC President, Carla Sonntag, will be a guest speaker at this event. For more information on the Albuquerque Youth Economic Conference, visit HERE, or email

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