Health Secretary’s court deposition confirms what NMBC has challenged for months

Governor Lujan Grisham has said numerous times in defending endless shutdowns that “we’re all in this together” and her decisions are based on ‘data and science.’ NMBC and many New Mexicans have challenged those assertions all along. Now there is proof, confirming a lack of scientific data. NM Department of Health Secretary Tracie Collins is on record admitting as much in a court deposition.
In a recent court proceeding it was established that Dr. Collins signed health orders that allow some activities and businesses to open (like Top Golf) and other activities and businesses to remain closed (like Cliff’s Amusement Park). Then, attorney Pat Rogers, (representing businesses who are suing the state) said, “I’m asking you if you’re aware of any science, any actual studies to suggest that these allowed activities and businesses are any less risky than activities prohibited by the public health orders?” Secretary Collins responded, “I’m not aware of any studies.”
Not one county in New Mexico is fully open for business and last week 9 counties went to ‘yellow’ status under the current ‘Emergency Health Orders.’ Restrictions in the yellow category limit businesses to operate at 33% or less occupancy. Fact is, the Governor still has NO plan or criteria established to ever fully open our state. The revelations in the deposition of the Secretary Collins confirm a lack of substance behind the Governor’s claim that ‘we’re all in this together.’
The entire deposition can be viewed HERE (see page 63-64 for the response, “Im not aware of any studies.”)