Heroes & Zeros

There are some legislators rising above the fray and doing what their constituents have asked them to do. We are honored to highlight some legislative heroes and their work:

HJR 9, Convention of States, Speaker Tripp and Rep Bandy

Bring the power back to New Mexico! (NMBC 2016 priorities) This bill calls for a Convention of States wherein state delegates will discuss limiting the power and jurisdiction of Congress as well as term limits. Who doesn’t think we need to rein in Congress?
The bill will be heard in House Regulatory and Public Affairs Committee today, 1/25/16, at 1:30 pm.

FEDERAL REAL ID ACT OF 2005 COMPLIANCE. (NMBC 2016 priorities) There is no question that after 10 years of noncompliance, action is required on this issue. The NMBC would prefer a resolution that complies not only with the Federal REAL ID Act, but with all other laws currently in effect regarding citizenship.
When you talk about compromise, NMBC believes there are some elected officials embracing that concept. Originally seeking the complete repeal of drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants, the Governor and some legislators are trying to find a compromise that will comply with the Federal REAL ID Act as well as other laws and we commend them for that effort. This is important for citizen safety as well as economic development in our state.
Rep Nunez has led the charge for years and is now teamed up with Rep Pacheco. Their bill, HB 99, has passed its first committee and was highlighted on the evening news. Here are the bills introduced so far:

HB 99, Driver’s License Issuance & Federal REAL ID, Rep Pacheco and Nunez
Provides for drivers’ licenses and driving privilege cards with limited terms; requires proof of residence.

HB 94, REAL ID Card, Rep Garcia Richard and Bandy
Provides for an identification card for compliance with the REAL ID Act that is issued by the state Tax and Revenue Department; does not address drivers’ licenses.

HB 123, Driver’s Licenses & REAL ID Compliance, Rep Rehm
Provides for a two tier system of driver’s license and id card that requires proof of lawful status and is either 1) Real Id Compliant; or 2) not REAL ID Compliant. Those that are not compliant would require finger printing of the recipient.

HB 144, Driver’s Licenses & REAL ID Act Compliance, Rep Bandy
Provides for a two tier system wherein drivers’ licenses that are REAL ID compliant are exchanged for existing licenses after proof of lawful status. The other tier provides for driving privileges and is not REAL ID compliant.

SB 174, Driver’s License Issuance & Federal REAL ID, Senator Ivey-Soto
Provides for a two tier system of driver’s license and id card that requires proof of lawful status. Imposes limits on some terms.

TODAY’S ZERO: Legislation that will be harmful to the state:

HB 125, Increase Minimum Wage, Rep M. Garcia
Forced wages = fewer jobs! (NMBC 2016 priorities) Provides for an increasing minimum wage to $10.10 by 2019 with Cost of Living increases annually not to exceed 4 percent and never to decline.
Tipped employees would be at 40 percent base wage so long as wage and tips meet the minimum wage mandate at the time.
We have seen the danger of government defined minimum wages resulting in businesses closing and providing fewer jobs. No one wins with government mandated wages.

NMBC published its NMBC 2016 priorities and will be in SF watching progress on related legislation.

Please contact the NMBC with questions or comments at nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org or (505) 836-4223. You can count on NMBC for periodic Heroes & Zeros updates.