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How to make lemonade out of lemons!

  • Post published:September 26, 2017
  • Post category:Issues

Faced with a local detention center closing and the loss of 203 jobs, Torrance County is getting creative. Armed with information from the State Auditor’s office, Torrance County officials have suggested the state should look into purchasing the Estancia detention center, currently owned by CoreCivic, an out of state company, and use it to house prisoners currently taken out of state. The building was built in 1990 and would need a thorough review to determine if it will work for this purpose and what upgrades may be needed. But at least these folks are offering potential solutions that could be good for all parties concerned. When you consider the state is currently spending about $370 million annually to house prisoners outside of New Mexico, it’s an option that needs serious review.

Why is New Mexico ranked in the bottom 5 when it comes to job employment?

At the New Mexico Business Coalition, we want to ensure that New Mexico has a pro-business environment for manufacturing which is why we are working on tax-reform, energy and economic incentives but NMBC understands the importance of having skilled workers ready to enter the manufacturing industry.

With a broad range of desired talents, education and career opportunities in manufacturing it is important that we reach kids, teenagers and young adults now to see the possibilities in pursuing a career in manufacturing. Further, returning service men and women are struggling to find good jobs that utilize their great work ethics and rigorous technical training. These skills with additional training could be applied towards finding a career in manufacturing.

For these reasons and more, NMBC is bringing new opportunities to the state for manufacturing training and certification. We see a dire need in our state to help people find new job opportunities as well as resolve the manufacturing industry’s need for qualified workers.



This year Farmington BASH will be held on October 5th at Merrion Oil and Gas Corporation. We’ve been holding BASH events at Merrion Oil and Gas for about six years now because T. Greg Merrion is a strong longtime member and supporter of NMBC and believes we are dedicated to making a true difference in the state. NMBC is proud to advocate for all businesses in our state. We are also proud to be called ‘The Voice for Energy’ in New Mexico. Our work and these events are in support of the Farmington/Bloomfield/Aztec area.

This event books up rapidly! So don’t wait any longer and get your FREE tickets HERE!

Thank you to our BASH Sponsors:

Merrion Oil and Gas

Farmington Chamber of Commerce

Without our generous sponsors, we could not bring you the best of the best events! So thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, contact Felicia at (505) 836-4223 or email: