State Budget:Leadership and fiscal responsibility, not Band-Aids and reckless spending! New Mexico needs a budget that provides for the state’s needs (public safety, education, roads and other infrastructure, etc.) based on reasonable projections of recurring, not surplus boom-time tax revenue. There should be equitable distribution of infrastructure funding based on economic activity and tax income production by county.
Manufacturing: NMBC is the state affiliate for the National Association of Manufacturing (NAM) and together we are looking to expand manufacturing in New Mexico. We must encourage business creation and growth in our state. This requires state agencies to focus on supporting business, not impeding them with onerous regulations that slows or stops growth and job creation.
Energy: Bio-balance where peoples’ lives matter! Responsible laws that do not excessively limit any industry from producing valuable energy, resources, or jobs while assuring the protection of our land, water, and air. We need effective land and resource management that allows the extractive and other industries to maximize production, job creation, energy, and budget support for our state.
Regulatory burdens: Reduce the impact of unnecessary regulation and watch New Mexico flourish! While sound regulation is necessary, NM tends to create and enforce regulation that can be an impediment to business creation and growth without accomplishing desired results. Every regulation should be reviewed to determine: 1) Is it necessary? 2) Can implementation be streamlined? and 3) Is it contradictory or duplicative with other regulations.
Permanent Fund: Permanent Fund depletion will hurt the future of New Mexico children! The Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF) is New Mexico’s education endowment fund. Left alone (at the current 5% allocation rate), the LGPF will soon provide over $1 billion dollars for education annually. Accountability is the answer to current educational system failures – not increased funding.
Public Safety: Safety breeds prosperity! a) New Mexico’s criminal code must be strengthened to: a) Stop repeat offenders; b) Stop the practice of Sanctuary Cities; and c) Toughen DUI laws and enforcement of all laws currently in place. Until New Mexico is deemed safer, we cannot attract new companies or maintain those that we have. New Mexicans deserve to feel safe in their communities.
Wages: Higher forced wages = fewer jobs! Increased government mandated wages will result in forced inflation, reduced hours for workers and fewer jobs for New Mexicans. The best way to help New Mexico’s low income families improve their economic outlook is to provide effective skills training.
Employment laws: Justice is key! New Mexico needs fair employment laws that allow businesses to thrive and grow while creating new employment opportunities. Right-to-Work legislation will increase employee rights and remove an existing hurdle for increased corporate expansion in New Mexico.
Workforce development: A good education is the first step in developing a quality workforce! New Mexico’s educational system is failing from the bottom up and should be reconfigured with modeling from successful states. We need to provide our children with a good education as well as new employment opportunities through the expansion of job opportunities.
New Mexico Tax Code: Smart tax management means more state revenue! The tax code should be rewritten to eliminate useless tax incentives and provide a sound revenue base. A clean, fair tax code will promote business growth, employment and stabilize state revenue while making NM more competitive.
Economic incentives: Invest in job creation that benefits New Mexico! Incentives may help entice new companies to our state, but they should never be used if they harm or create unfair competition against existing New Mexico businesses. Any incentives offered must include strengthened rules of use and detailed, strict and enforceable claw back parameters.
State Control: Power to our people! New Mexico should support a Convention of States to reduce and define the federal government’s control. In addition, New Mexico’s elected officials should take steps to protect our lands, business opportunities and cultural traditions from increasing federal regulation, laws and executive orders that limit public access and economic growth.