NMBC communicated with legislators, throughout the 60-day session, encouraging them to support good legislation and oppose toxic bills. Here are some of the things that NMBC did during the 2023 Legislative Session:
- Governmental Balance and Power to the People:
- The governor’s emergency powers should be limited to a 30-day period with no exceptions. The legislature should meet to address and pass formal legislation addressing situations which may go beyond 30 days.
- Economic Recovery and the State Budget:
- New Mexico needs a budget that provides for the state’s needs (public safety, education, roads, and other infrastructure, etc.) based on reasonable recurring expenses, not surplus boom-time revenue, or one-time federal funds. Distribution of infrastructure funding should be equitable, based upon economic activity and tax income production by county. School funding should be based upon the monies dedicated to actual student support versus administrative support. All tax dollars spent should require measurable outcomes with penalties for fraud/waste/abuse, ‘last in the nation’ rankings, and other documented failures.
- Tax code:
- Smart tax management means more state revenue. The tax code should be rewritten to replace Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) with a straight sales tax and eliminate the numerous special interest tax incentives. Eliminate all tax on any federal retirement income without earnings limits. Require reporting and tax payments on all government subsidies for food, housing, etc. A clean, broad based and fair tax code will promote business growth, employment opportunities and stabilize state revenue while making NM more competitive.
- Employment Laws:
- Government mandated wages and benefits are artificially inflated, making New Mexico less competitive. It results in forced inflation, reduced hours for workers, and fewer jobs for New Mexicans. Free market competition will improve worker conditions, increases wages, and allow businesses to thrive and grow while creating new employment opportunities.
- Economic incentives:
- Invest in job preservation and creation that benefits New Mexico and its businesses rather than out-of-state companies. Incentives should include tax breaks, not cash and must have appropriate and mandated accountability provisions (claw backs) in the event of default. Mandated requirements must be met without exception.
- Public safety:
- Safety breeds prosperity. New Mexico’s criminal code and judicial system must be strengthened to: a) Stop ‘catch and release’ policies that enable repeat offenders; b) Stop the practice of providing sanctuary for those living in New Mexico illegally and committing crimes; c) Review all laws to determine if they are necessary, functioning as intended, or if they unnecessarily infringe upon basic rights; d) Increase enforcement of existing laws. New Mexicans deserve to feel safe.
- Energy:
- Balance usage needs and environmental goals with real world conditions. In striving to meet the requirements of the Energy Transition Act (ETA), elected/appointed officials must craft common sense legislation that acknowledges the following realities: a) The value that fossil fuels provide to our state budget, educational system, and employment; b) Our ability to effectively manage our land to allow extractive and other industries to revitalize production, job creation, energy, and budget support for our state; c) Provision for nuclear or gas electricity production to supplement renewable energy which currently lacks adequate, cost effective storage, and requires the need for reliable, abundant and on demand power as a backup for our homes and businesses. Ensure that initiatives related to the ETA are measured, achievable goals versus shutting down energy operations that subject citizens to power failures and brown/black outs.
- Education and Workforce Development:
- Revamp our educational system based on successful models in other states. Require proficiency in core subjects of English, math, and reading; provide required tutoring for students falling behind. Provide manufacturing and other technical training opportunities in New Mexico’s schools that will encourage employment in New Mexico. Base teachers’ pay on performance as measured by the students’ competency and/or intervention for those students lagging behind their peers.
- Regulatory burdens:
- Reduce the impact of unnecessary regulation that stifles New Mexico’s potential. New Mexico’s over regulation and enforcement has been an impediment to business creation and growth without accomplishing desired results. This includes executive branch authority which requires legislative oversight. New and existing regulations should be reviewed to determine: 1) Is it necessary? 2) Can implementation be streamlined? and 3) Is it contradictory or duplicative of other regulations?
- State Control:
- New Mexico should support a Convention of States to implement federal term limits, a balanced budget mandate and reduced federal government control. In addition, New Mexico’s elected officials should take steps to protect our lands, business opportunities, and cultural traditions from increasing federal regulation, laws, and executive orders that limit public access and economic growth.
Have questions or comments about the work we did? Email nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org or call (505) 836-4223.