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Manufacturing Leadership & Decision 2016 in NM

  • Post published:August 9, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

While there was much NMBC learned at COSMA that can make a difference in New Mexico, here are some of the key points that NAM has established as priorities for public policy and what candidates seeking office in 2016 should focus on: 1) Tax: A forward-looking tax policy is an economic imperative; 2) Trade: Open trade distinguishes a successful nation, delay and uncertainty hold back; 3) Energy: Strengthening manufacturing by capitalizing on the energy renaissance; 4) Transportation and Infrastructure: A priority necessary to compete. Read more HERE.

NMBC made some great contacts at the 2016 COSMA and will be working to bring some of the ‘best practices’ for manufacturing and other business development from around the nation to help improve New Mexico’s struggling economy.

Every One of us is a Leader in Some Capacity – World Class Training is Available in NM on Thursday and Friday: Whether you are an employer, employee, community member, public official, mom, dad or ‘other’, we are all leaders in one way or another. The Global Leadership Summit (GLS) is this Thursday and Friday, August 11th and 12th. With five in-state locations to choose from and 2nd year host New Life New Mexico, at 2701 American Road SE, Rio Rancho, NM, 87124, New Mexicans don’t have far to go for this training. Register for the GLS in New Mexico today!

The Las Cruces Candidate Job Interviews BASH (Business and Social Hour) is going to be another fun, informative event: Join NMBC, The Rock of Talk at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum on August 25, from 5:30 – 7:30, at 4100 Dripping Springs Rd, Las Cruces, NM 88011.

Las Cruces Candidate Job Interview Ticket Information HERE.

Which Candidates are lined up for interviews? Secretary of State, Nora Espinoza and Maggie Toulouse Oliver; NM Supreme Court, Judith Nakamura* and Michael E. Vigil; NM Court of Appeals, Stephen G. French* and Julie Vargas; SD37 William Soules* and Ceil Levatino; and Dona Ana County Commission District 5: Kim Hakes and John Vasquez (invited). *Incumbent.

Special thanks to our Las Cruces Candidate Job Interviews BASH Host: New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, and these great sponsors: Allstate Insurance, La Posta De Mesilla Restaurant, Mesilla Valley Transportation, Biad Chili, New Mexico Business Alliance,and Dona Ana County Republican Party.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the above BASH events. Contact the NMBC at or (505) 836-4223 for more info.