New Mexico CAN Improve With Your Vote!

  • Post published:August 29, 2014
  • Post category:Issues

Learn about the candidates by attending an NMBC event in your area:

Join us in Farmington on September 18 at Merrion Oil and Gas, 610 Reilly Avenue, for a BASH (Business and Social Hour) from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The BASH will feature Job Interviews for positions across the state. These job interviews are a chance for you to get to know the candidates individually. The event is FREE, but we need a head count so RSVP TODAY!

Applicants who have confirmed their attendance in Farmington include:

Attorney General Candidates: Hector Balderas and Susan Riedel State Auditor Candidates: Robert Aragon and Tim Keller State Rep, District 4: Sharon Clahchischilliage and Harrison Todacheene

Thank You to Our Farmington BASH Sponsors: Merrion Oil and Gas ConocoPhillips Bayless Drilling Walsh Engineering & Production Jean & Bill Hagler Senator Bill Sharer

Sponsorships are available for all NMBC events – Contact the NMBC today at or (505) 836-4223 to learn more!

Can’t make it to Farmington? Join us at the Albuquerque BASH (Business and Social Hour) – October 14, 2014 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.