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New Mexico tax dollars to help fund 190 jobs

NMBC is glad to see that our state Economic Development Department is investing in diverse, local businesses with Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) funds. Several of the companies listed on the recent JTIP funding announcement are domiciled in New Mexico. What’s concerning, however, is to see multiple awards to the same company – some as high as the tenth award.

This begs the question if that facility is growing significantly or if there is a high turnover rate requiring additional trainees. UbiQD Inc. is receiving its tenth award for six trainees and, according to its website, only employs 16 full time employees.  This award is for $138,654.28 from the state taxpayer funded dollars. 

Is this a wise investment?  Regardless, there are many deserving New Mexico businesses who could qualify before a tenth award is made to a single company.