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NM Election Integrity is on the line…

  • Post published:March 1, 2023
  • Post category:News
Elections are an important part of our representative democracy that allow voters to chose who serves in key government positions. Fair elections happen when we have sound election integrity laws that ensure every qualified New Mexican’s vote is properly safeguarded and counted. National media, like, has taken note of what’s going on in New Mexico concerning election law – and it’s not good! Read more HERE.
With the legislative session in it’s final four weeks, there are some proposals advancing in Santa Fe that will endanger election integrity if they become law. Here are a couple of those bills:
HB 4 Voting Rights Protections is sponsored by Javier MartínezGail ChaseyKaty M. DuhiggWonda Johnson, and Raymundo LaraThis bill would allow state agencies to ‘automatically’ register people without their knowledge or permission. This includes ‘residents’ of NM who may not be here legally, which increases the odds of non-citizens being registered to vote. In addition, HB 4 creates a ‘permanent’ absentee voter list, increasing the odds that ballots will be mailed to addresses of deceased people or voters who have moved. HB 4 has already passed the House and passed it’s first committee in the Senate! Progressive Democrats are ramrodding this dangerous legislation through the process. However, there is still a chance to stop it if New Mexicans take action. Please take 30 seconds to make your voice heard & help stop this bill, HERE. Read more about why HB 4 becoming law would be bad for our state HERE.
SB 180 Election Changes is sponsored by Katy M. DuhiggLeo Jaramillo, and Gail ChaseyThis 178-page bill would substantially revise New Mexico’s election code in ways that will hurt election integrity. Things like forcing counties to use internet-connected ‘poll books’ at voting locations and increased use of drop boxes for absentee ballots. There is no provision in this bill detailing how to secure the internet poll books, opening the door for potential hacking from outside sources. And we know that nationwide there are documented problems with increased illegal ballot harvesting with increased use of drop boxes. SB 180 has already been passed by the senate and is now under consideration in the House! Please take 30 seconds to make your voice heard & help stop this bill, HERE