If You Own Property in Bernalillo, Sandoval or Socorro County, IT IS TIME TO VOTE in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD) Board Election. Important decisions are made by elected officials at all levels of government. It is up to VOTERS to decide if they want officials who are pro-business and support limited government or those those who support a progressive agenda and disregard input from businesses or citizens affected by their actions. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) believes we can change our position from poverty to one of prosperity. To do so we must retain probusiness officials and elect more of the same.
The MRGCD Deals With Important Issues Like Water Rights and The Endangered Species Act. In today’s world we know that WATER RIGHTS and issues like the SILVERY MINNOW have a huge impact on every individual and business. WHO WE ELECT MATTERS.
There are four seats on the MRGCD Board up for election. The NMBC is familiar with three of the candidates. Jim Roberts from Bernalillo County (position #3 on the ballot) and Chris Sichler from Socorro County (position #6 on the ballot) are both working farmers. Louis Trujillo from Bernalillo County (position #4 on the ballot) is a National Guard veteran and retired Fire Department Chief. From what we know, these candidates understand that growth of private sector business is the key to improving our economy and have a passion for protecting NM land, water and natural resources. Jim Roberts, Chris Sichler and Louis Trujillo are probusiness and will form a powerhouse team in support of our natural resources.
Early Voting for the MRGCD Board Ends TODAY or Vote on Election day, TUESDAY, June 4th. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) encourages voters in Bernalillo, Sandoval and Socorro County to understand their choices, get involved and VOTE. Every person who is listed on a Bernalillo, Sandoval or Socorro property deed on file with the County Assessor can vote in this election. Today is the last day to vote early or you can vote on election Tuesday, June 4th at several locations in each county. CLICK HERE FOR VOTING SITES AND MORE INFORMATION.
The NMBC believes that we can change this state and nation, but it requires action in the form of voting. Get out TODAY for early voting in the MRGCD Board Election or vote on Tuesday, June 4th.
Become a member of the New Mexico Business Coalition Today and join our effort to make New Mexico a prosperous place for businesses and individuals.
Contact the New Mexico Business Coalition at (505) 836-4223 or nmbiz@nmbizcoalition.org for more information.