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PRC Misled, Corporate Welfare, Upcoming BASH & More…

  • Post published:August 16, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Furthermore, I think the NMPRC is being misled by small but vocal advocacy groups who are drinking the “Renewables Religion” Kool-Aid®. Their position that wind and solar are anywhere near sustainable now or in the foreseeable future is folly that is based in hope and faith, rather than fact. The fact is that when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine no energy is produced. The usable energy duty cycle is about 30% and there are no scalable storage devices to support large scale distribution. Also, the energy density of solar and wind is woefully inadequate compared to fossil fuels and nuclear…

Those hurt most by restrictive energy policies are the poor. Those with incomes of $30K or less spend 23% of their after tax income on household energy and gasoline, compared to 7% for those with incomes of $50K. A pragmatic, prudent, less costly, and lower carbon emissions solution is a “N2N” strategy: natural-gas-to-nuclear. First, gradually move from coal to much cleaner and cheaper natural gas, and then move to even cleaner nuclear.

I ask that you please overrule the Evaluator’s recommendation and allow the Palo Verde considerations in PNM’s rate submittal.

Very respectfully,

George L. Wright

NMBC is proud to have members that care more about what is best for all New Mexicans than they do about special interest agendas! YOU can help too! If you haven’t already done so, please SIGN THE PETITION now, urging NM Public Regulation Commissioners to support cleaner air and carbon-free energy in NM.

Finding $600 Million in Savings w/o Raising Taxes: To say that New Mexico is facing some serious budget problems is an understatement. The NM Constitution does not allow for NM to operate in a deficit mode, but that is exactly what the state is facing for the budget year that ended in June. It gets worse from there.

Does NM have ‘Corporate Welfare’ programs and other inefficient spending that can/should be cut to help balance the budget? Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing addresses this point and makes some other specific recommendations on how to deal with New Mexico’s budget without raising taxes, HERE.

As the budget problems continue to grow, it looks like New Mexico is now in the $700 million deficit range and new numbers are expected in the next few weeks. Some legislative leaders said they absolutely will not cut education and taxes must be increased. Others say no increased taxes.

What do you say? Please give us your thoughts on what New Mexico should do to fix the budget crisis. You can email us at

Don’t Miss the Las Cruces Candidate Job Interviews BASH (Business and Social Hour): This event will provide an opportunity for voters to hear unrehearsed, candid responses from select candidates in order to make an informed decision at the polls! Join NMBC, The Rock of Talk at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum on August 25, from 5:30 – 7:30, at 4100 Dripping Springs Rd, Las Cruces, NM 88011.

Las Cruces Candidate Job Interview Tickets HERE.

The Following Candidates Have Confirmed Interviews for Las Cruces: Secretary of State: Nora Espinoza and Maggie Toulouse Oliver, NM Supreme Court: Judith K. Nakamura* and Michael E. Vigil; NM Court of Appeals: Stephen G. French*, Julie J. Vargas; Senate District 37: William P. Soules* and Cecelia H. Levatino; and Doña Ana County Commission District 5: Kim Hakes and John Vasquez. *Incumbent

Special thanks to our Las Cruces Candidate Job Interviews BASH Host: New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, and these great sponsors: Allstate Insurance, Fox News ABQ.FM 95.9 FM, AM 1600 KIVA, La Posta De Mesilla Restaurant, Mesilla Valley Transportation, Biad Chili, Southern New Mexico Business Alliance, Dona Ana County Republican Party, and Protect Americans Now.

Get Las Cruces Job Interview BASH Tickets HERE.

Contact NMBC with questions, comments or concerns at or (505) 836-4223.