The results of our survey are in.

Additionally, we offered folks the chance to give us their feedback and here is some of what they said.
“I’m for whatever it takes for this state to get out of the grips of this forever lockdown on our businesses & our freedom to return to normalcy.”
“This is absolutely a waste of taxpayer dollars. People who want to be vaccinated are and those who don’t want to be aren’t and wont. Isn’t the Covid Stimulus money supposed to be used to help those who need Covid relief, like business owners?”
“There is no reason to coerce, intimidate, or force anyone to receive an experimental biological agent that has not been approved by the FDA! Since it hasn’t undergone full clinical trials [actually, everyone now receiving a shot is part of the clinical trials, whether they know it or not], nor long term testing with animals, it is a crime to push this “vaccine” on anyone, especially since COVID recovery for those under 60 years old is over 99.96%. This is insanity!”
“These vaccines are still in trials–not approved. Absolutely disagree!! How is this even legal?”