Session Depression? You Need a Good BASH!

  • Post published:February 15, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Other bad news is that pieces of legislation aimed at improving public safety by closing loopholes, strengthening penalties and lengthening sentencing requirements have been killed. Over the weekend, on party-line votes, Democratic members of the Senate stopped bills calling for longer sentences for repeat DWI offenders and those convicted of intentional child abuse.

Not all the news is bad – we do see some HEROES at work…

Public Safety – Real ID Heroes: Thanks to the hard work and persistence of Reps Paul Pacheco and Andy Nunez and the leadership of Stewart Ingle and John Arthur Smith in the Senate, it looks like a compromise driver’s license bill is headed to the Governor’s desk for signature. Ending the practice of issuing driver’s licenses to those illegally in the state, providing immigrants a process to receive a driving permit while providing New Mexicans a driver’s license that complies with federal requirements is a win for everyone. Bravo!

Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF) Heroes: In the face of intense pressure to do otherwise, Reps Baldonado, Dines, Espinoza, Hall, Rehm, Roch and Youngblood, members of the House Education Committee, stood firm to safeguard the future of children’s education and tabled one of the Constitutional Amendment (CA) Resolutions seeking to raid the LGPF. Committee Chair Nora Espinosa and Reps Youngblood, Baldonado and Rehm led the discussion with great points about why the proposed CA was not the appropriate funding mechanism for pre-natal to five year old childhood programs.

Election Integrity Heroes: An issue of importance to all New Mexicans, improving the integrity of our election systems, is brought forward under HB 312, Change Certain Voter ID Requirements, sponsored by Reps Nora Espinoza and Cathrynn Brown. HB 312 passed out of it’s first committee yesterday, and is set to be heard by the House Judiciary Committee next.

And Here’s Some GREAT NEWS! It’s almost time for the Post Legislative BASH (Business and Social Hour): With the 2016 Legislative Session nearing an end, now is the time to reserve your seat at the March 10 NMBC BASH!

To celebrate NMBC being named as the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) official state partner, we will showcase New Mexico Manufacturing for this event. What’s the big deal? NMBC plays a critical role in connecting, informing and advocating for all businesses, including manufacturers at the state level, as well as providing grassroots input/action on federal legislation and regulations. NMBC worked with NAM to mitigate the Environmental Protection Agency’s new ozone requirements and represents manufacturers in New Mexico on the Product Stewardship Task Force, Unemployment Insurance Advisory Committee, Business Advisory Group and the One Stop Business Portal Advisory Group.

Will you be at the BASH? Seating is limited so RSVP today for the Post Legislative – Manufacturing BASH on March 10, 2016 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, at the Albuquerque Country Club. Light hors d’oeuvres provided; cash bar available.

Who will be talking during the Business portion of the event? This BASH will feature remarks from NAM Senior Vice President Ned Monroe, Lt. Governor John Sanchez with comments about NM Manufacturing and a Legislative Heroes and Zeros Update by NMBC President Carla Sonntag.

Don’t miss this important event – RSVP Today!

Thank You to Our Sponsors:
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NMMEP)
NM American Fire Sprinkler Association (NMFSA)
Sierra Peaks

Sponsorship opportunities are available – contact the NMBC at 505-836-4223 or for details.

All NMBC members get reduced ticket pricing for the BASH. Some membership levels include free tickets. Please contact the NMBC with any questions. Not an NMBC member? Join us today.