Our goals to create long-term, positive changes in our state has resulted in great wins including...
- High Profile: Our United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) involvement resulted in the President of the United States (POTUS) inviting us to attend a signing ceremony at the White House.
- U.S. Energy Independence Support: The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) hosted the national U.S. energy announcement in Albuquerque.
- Government Watchdog:
- Identified massive fraud with the COVID Unemployment Insurance (UI) payments and businesses being overtaxed. We notified the State Auditor and Attorney General, causing our Cabinet Secretary to resign.
- Filled 3 complaints with the New Mexico Attorney General (NMAG) office against the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) for violating the Open Meetings Act.
- Unemployment Insurance Taxes: We wrote and passed a law during the COVID pandemic in 2020 that saved business owners $1,300.00 per employee, per year. This Insurance Taxes is still going on every year, since it’s introduction and passing in the legislator.
So, how are we currently serving New Mexicans?
Check out our News page, use our Call to Action forms, or view our Events page to learn more!