Stop BLM From Killing More NM Jobs

  • Post published:April 7, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

While everyone supports clean air and efficient gas operations, these proposed rules are unnecessary and will hurt New Mexico’s economy and our children’s education funding.

Voice your opinion now to stop redundant and harmful rules from being implemented by signing a petition to the BLM and the NM Congressional Delegation.

Poverty in New Mexico and the well-being of our children will be made worse by the proposed BLM unless New Mexicans, like you, take action. At a time when New Mexico has one of the worst unemployment rates in the nation, implementation of the proposed BLM rule would be devastating. The comment period for the BLM to hear from you closes in a matter of days! It only takes 30 seconds to sign the petition against the proposed job killing rules.

Help us get 1,000 signatures or more on the petition going to BLM and New Mexico’s Congressional Delegation by forwarding this message to five people you know!

Contact the NMBC at or (505) 836-4223 with questions or comments.