Call to Action – Save Jobs and Economical Electric Rates

Call to Action – Contact N.M. Public Regulation Commissioners (PRC) and urge support of the settlement agreement on the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS): The PRC will soon make a decision on the settlement agreement for SJGS. This is an historic agreement involving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the N.M. Environmental Department (EPA) and PNM.

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Breaking News: No Air Pollution Crisis in NM

What? No Air Pollution Crises in NM? Radical environmental groups have been shouting, protesting and spending thousands of dollars on advertising to say there is a toxic air pollution crisis in New Mexico. They say the crises requires a complete shutdown of the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) because it is the largest polluter in the entire state. The fact that SJGS is the most economical source of electric power generation in New Mexico does not seem to matter. And now, the radical environmentalists have an even bigger problem. That is, the facts just don’t line up with their ‘sky is falling’ agenda. It seems the American Lung Association did not get the ‘New Mexico air pollution crises’ memo…

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Get the Inside Scoop on the 2015 Session

Ready for Some Fun? You are invited to an exclusive Post-Legislative BASH (Business and Social Hour) on April 9. The BASH will feature keynote speaker Senate President Pro Tempore Mary Kay Papen. Senator Papen will provide an overview of the recently ended legislative session from her view as New Mexico’s top senator.

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Out go the Lights! Time to Speak Up

The Room Went Dark: The NMBC attended a recent committee hearing in Santa Fe regarding laws requiring power producers in NM to use a certain percentage of renewable energy to produce electricity. As an environmental advocate spoke about the value and reliability of renewable energy, the power went out in the capitol and the room darkened. The outage was temporary and the power restored in less than a minute. The fact that New Mexicans enjoy only rare power outages is often taken for granted, but New Mexico is blessed to have responsible power companies serving our state.

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