New methane rules for oil producers proposed

The New Mexico Environmental Department and the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department have released the first draft of New Mexico's plan to focus on methane emissions and lower levels…

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Chevron steps up support for Permian nonprofits

Chevron has a long and vibrant history of growth and success in southern NM; offering high paying jobs, providing the oil revenue for our schools and roads, and now giving…

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Read more about the article Permian oil operations scaled back amid virus, OPEC uncertainty
Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Permian oil operations scaled back amid virus, OPEC uncertainty

With the price-per-barrel cost of domestic crude hovering slightly above twenty dollars, Permian oil operations have begun to contract, with some companies shutting down production entirely. The spread of COVID-19…

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Read more about the article Southern NM roads are latest casualty of economic downturn
Image by Mario Schmidt from Pixabay

Southern NM roads are latest casualty of economic downturn

Due to the reality of a stark economic slowdown and oil prices crashing amid a price war in the middle east, the governor has vetoed a spending bill intended to…

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As markets slow, more cuts are due for NM’s energy producers

Coronavirus fears have continued to bind economies worldwide as global demand for oil is forecast to shrink for the first time since 2009. Oil prices fell Monday by the highest…

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Read more about the article Oilfield roads receive millions in much needed funding
Image by Mario Schmidt from Pixabay

Oilfield roads receive millions in much needed funding

New Mexico's Permian Basin is one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the world and is the source of NM's billion dollar increase in state revenue…

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Read more about the article Las Cruces recruits new manufacturing start up “Big Tuna”
Image by admarkt from Pixabay

Las Cruces recruits new manufacturing start up “Big Tuna”

A new manufacturing firm with exclusive rights to produce and distribute high-density pipe products has elected to set up shop in Las Cruces. The company aims to support the oil…

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NM oil and gas producers making progress on “Produced Water”

Last month New Mexican oil and gas operators completed a pilot program aimed at treating and reclaiming water used in oil and gas operations. Texan oil supply company Gradiant Energy…

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