Campaign Talking Points, Not What’s Best for NM: Many of the Democrats who promised to vote against the use of our state constitution on measures that should be handled legislatively, voted for the measure. The New Mexico Business Coalition appreciates the votes of Republicans and Senator John Arthur Smith who did the right thing and honored the sanctity of that document. New Mexicans will be reminded of the HEROIC work of some NM Legislators and the destructive work of others via the NMBC ‘Jobs Created’ report card and other voter education efforts later this year.
The measure, SJR 13 Annually Increasing Minimum Wage, CA, sponsored by Senator Richard Martinez, moves to the House for consideration in only one committee, House Voters and Elections (HVAC). This is the same committee that stopped the identical House measure, HJR 9, by Rep Miguel Garcia.
The NMBC is not debating the merits of minimum wage at this time. We have made our position clear that it is highly detrimental to businesses and does not help the wage earner as intended. Rather, we are fighting the issue of legislating through Constitutional Amendments. Editors from the Albuquerque Journal repeat the point that IF there is going to be an increase in the state minimum wage, “…it should be done through the normal course of legislative give-and-take…” not using the NM Constitution. Read the full Journal Editorial HERE.
MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD – IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE: The NMBC urges you to contact HVAC members and ask them to stop this measure because it does not belong in the Constitution. SEND AN EMAIL IN OPPOSITION OF SJR 13 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE HVAC HERE.
Where is the budget? Since the House was unable to do their job and pass a budget, the Senate took up the cause over the weekend. Led by Senator John Arthur Smith, a bipartisan budget was passed unanimously out of committee and could be heard by the full Senate as early as today. While the debate is not over, we applaud the leadership of Senator Smith and the bipartisan effort of those working with him.
This is a budget session where the only thing the legislature is required to do is pass a balanced budget. With three and half days left, we are wondering if legislators will get their work done or just keep posturing for the upcoming elections. At a cost of over $170,000 dollars a day, are you getting your money’s worth?
RSVP for the BASH (Business and Social Hour) Today! Join us on March 6, 2014, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Albuquerque Country Club. The keynote speaker for this BASH is Lt. Gov John Sanchez. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door.
Thank you to our BASH Sponsor: NM American Fire and Sprinkler Association
Your name/logo could be HERE!
Please contact the New Mexico Business Coalition at (505) 836-4223 or for more information.