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Oil & Gas Rally, Palo Verde Update, Las Cruces BASH & Rail Runner

  • Post published:August 23, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Nuclear Energy in New Mexico, Update: It seems a nerve was hit at the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC), concerning ties between a hearing officer and the Sierra Club. It was brought to their attention that the hearing officer in a current PNM case has been listed in public records as a ‘Sierra Club Outing Director.’ Read the article from the Albuquerque Journal titled, Sierra Club Ties Re-emerge in PNM Case, HERE.

NMBC Supports Nuclear Energy Options for New Mexico Electricity – you can too by signing the petition HERE.

The Sierra Club and PRC Hearing Officer ties are worth PRC awareness given that the hearing officer recommended against PNM being allowed to recover one cent of investment in nuclear energy, which corresponds with the Sierra Club’s position of being, “…unequivocally opposed to nuclear energy.” The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board weighed in on the issue HERE.

The Las Cruces Job Interview BASH (Business and Social Hour) is Thursday, August 25th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm, at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum: This event is drawing lots of attention with the help of radio personality Eddy Aragon, New Mexico’s ‘Rock of Talk,’ our event partner Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce, and great sponsors like: Allstate Insurance, The Las Cruces Sun-News, La Posta De Mesilla Restaurant, Mesilla Valley Transportation, Biad Chili, Dona Ana Republican Party, Protect Americans Now, and Jurney Construction.

Get Tickets for the Las Cruces Job Interview BASH today!

The following Candidates have confirmed their interviews in Las Cruces: Secretary of State, Nora Espinoza and Maggie Toulouse Oliver; NM Supreme Court, Judith Nakamura* and Michael E. Vigil; NM Court of Appeals, Stephen G. French* and Julie Vargas; SD37 William Soules* and Ceil Levatino; and Dona Ana County Commission District 5: Kim Hakes and John Vasquez. *Incumbent.

New Mexico Rail Runner – Lemons into Lemonade, Update: A recent article titled, “Viewpoint: How to turn lemons into lemonade with the NM Rail Runner” written by NMBC President Carla Sonntag, was posted on our Facebook page. If you haven’t already, you can take a look and ‘like’ the NMBC Facebook page here. The main point of the article was some fresh ideas on how the New Mexico Rail Runner might generate more income for the state and cities on its route.

We asked for your ideas and thoughts about the Rail Runner – we got ‘em: NMBC received a lot of great comments, ideas and feedback on New Mexico’s Rail Runner – some supportive and others, not so much. You can find a list of the comments HERE or log into the NMBC Facebook Page and find the article with the comments below. We are still open to more comments and ideas too!

For comments, questions or more information about NMBC, email us at, call (505) 836-4223, or visit our website at