Truth Should Reign in NM

  • Post published:November 16, 2015
  • Post category:Issues

According to the report, out of all 50 states, New Mexico “has the widest gulf between the laws that are on the books and the vigor with which they’re implemented: the so-called ‘enforcement gap.’ ” This is quite unfortunate, but definitely something that can be fixed. The first step is mustering the internal fortitude to make it happen. Read more on the results here.

New Mexicans deserve a government free from corruption. And, if we can’t have that due to human nature, we need to know we have a government that will prosecute those found to be corrupt. New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) will always seek the truth and support pro-business elected officials, assisting when we can on good policy and legislation. We will also hold elected officials accountable by providing accurate, timely information to voters. Ultimately, it is the voter who selects the elected official who will represent their interests; the NMBC provides the verifiable facts that help them make an informed decision. For those elected officials who have the state’s best interest in mind, accountability should only serve to strengthen their standing with constituents.

Bernalillo Commission Appoints Lechuga-Tena to NM House: Last week, the Bernalillo County Commission appointed Idalia Lechuga-Tena to fill the District 21 House seat vacated by Stephanie Maez. Lechuga-Tena was not a resident of that district until recently and also admitted to voting prior to being a U.S. citizen. Only the best for New Mexico, right?

It’s a sad day for New Mexico when someone who broke the law is appointed to serve in a position of making law. New Mexico already sees too many in elected or appointed positions become corrupt or operate corruptly because of opportunity afforded by the power of their office. As the article above points out, New Mexico repeatedly fails to take action when corruption is uncovered. Could this be more evidence of why New Mexico ranks so low in integrity?

And what about the need for voter id? Is the ability of noncitizens to vote the reason that some in office refuse to pass voter id legislation? What other motivation would they have if not to protect those who are voting illegally? We are long past the time of needing voter id in New Mexico. If you need an id to transact other business, why would you not need one to make critical decisions about the future of our state and those who serve in it? Read more here.

Would you help support the NMBC as we work on your behalf for a better New Mexico? Join us today!

Governor Appoints Nakamura to Supreme Court: District Judge Judith Nakamura was appointed to the New Mexico Supreme Court on Thursday afternoon. Nakamura will officially become a Supreme Court justice when she takes the oath of office. The appointment will hold until the end of 2016, when Nakamura will seek reelection to retain the seat in the general election. Read more here.

PRC Given Go-Ahead to Continue Evaluating PNM Case: NM Supreme Court rejected the attempt by New Energy Economy to disqualify four members of the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) from voting on the San Juan Generating Station case. This gives the PRC clearance to move forward with the case, which is in the best interest of the state. PNM hopes action will take place on the settlement by the end of the year. Read more here.

NM #1: A recently released report placed New Mexico at the top of the list. . . in the chance that employers will be sued by their employees. The report said New Mexico employers face “a 66 percent higher chance of facing an employee charge than the national average.” The study refers to lawsuits, but data actually takes account for claims filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the state Human Rights Bureau. Read more here.

Concerned about Unemployment Insurance Taxes? The Legislative Finance Committee will take up the issue on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 pm at the state capitol, Room 322. This increased tax, which took effect 1/1/15, has been detrimental to many businesses. If you are one of them, you may want to attend to hear the presentation. View the agenda here.

Contact the NMBC with questions or comments at or (505) 836-4223.