The term “progressive” has been hijacked and redefined to represent far left, extreme liberal ideals that are wreaking havoc on our free enterprise system.
The goal of the progressive agenda is to grow government to unlimited control over the United States’ citizens. This ultimately means socialism, a system that has failed in every country that has used it. Progressive public officials are driven to create a ‘nanny-state’ which attempts to ‘level the playing field’ by taking more through taxation from those who are willing to work hard and take risks and give to those who are not. The NMBC believes strongly in helping those who are in need; not those who choose to have the government provide for them when they could do so for themselves.
The greatest differences between free enterprise and the progressive agenda include: Taxes that go beyond fair contribution for the common good; Government-defined wages that do not reflect ability or experience; Overly restrictive laws on businesses that put control in the hands of government; Government control of lands that should belong to the state and/or individuals.
If Americans want to stop the progressive movement, we must understand what ‘progressive’ really means. Click HERE to learn more.
New Mexico voters have a choice between progressive and pro-business candidates for office. With the 2014 primary early voting underway and election day on June 3, the NMBC encourages voters to choose pro-business candidates.
The most prominent candidates in the primary running for office on a progressive platform are: Alan Webber, candidate for Governor; and John Wertheim, candidate for State Treasurer
GET OUT THE VOTE: A reminder that early voting is open across the state. Election Day this Tuesday, June 3! Get informed, vote now or plan to vote on June 3rd!
SAVE THE DATE: Annual Heroes Recognition Luncheon, August 7, 2014 Keynote Speaker: Mark Meckler, Citizens for Self Governance