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We’re Ready for the Legislative Session!

  • Post published:January 12, 2024
  • Post category:News

The NM 2024 Legislative Session starts next week and ‘pre-file’ bills/resolutions/memorials are piling up. Proposed legislation so far includes: crime related bills, reintroducing the Paid Family Medical Leave Act (PFMLA), and several other topics.

This week, NMBC sent our list of Legislative and Policy Positions to each member of the NM Senate and House. NMBC will use these positions to track what legislation these lawmakers sponsor and how they vote on key statewide issues. This information, in the form of a scorecard from A – F, will be shared with NM voters.

We understand that there are too many bills for most people to keep up with and that’s why you can count on NMBC to help reduce the burden! Throughout the session, we encourage you to open our emails, engage in our Calls to Action, and check-in often to NMBC’s BillTracker.