• Post published:September 20, 2017
  • Post category:Issues

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) provides that states may pass laws, commonly known as right-to-work, which forbid the compulsory collection of union dues. In the 28 states that have passed such laws, both employers and employees enjoy a freer and more flexible labor market.

But local officials in New Mexico need not wait for their state legislature to act. The federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2016 that local governments have the power to enact their own right-to-work ordinances.

In Kentucky, for example, multiple counties have passed local right-to-work ordinances that have all been upheld by federal courts.

It’s long been known that right-to-work can substantially boost economies: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data show that between 1990 and 2014 total employment grew more than twice as fast in right-to-work states compared to states that force workers to pay union dues.

Workers are the big winners in right-to-work jurisdictions, where unions have strong incentives to provide valued services for the dues they charge. In non-right- to-work localities, labor bosses routinely charge 10 percent higher dues and pay their top officers up to $20,000 more per year.

Right-to-work is good for employers, workers and unions. It’s good for state economies, and it’s good for local economies as well.

We the undersigned applaud and support local officials in New Mexico who want to use right-to-work to advance the prosperity and freedom of their citizens.

Carla J. Sonntag, President, New Mexico Business Coalition

Grover G. Norquist President, Americans for Tax Reform

Matt Patterson Executive Director, Center for Worker Freedom

Brent Yessin General Counsel, Protect My Check

Paul Gessing President, Rio Grande Foundation

Burly Cain New Mexico State Director, Americans for Prosperity